Inductions Bonanza!

Inductions Bonanza!

Join Pennacook Lodge on December 19th, 2017 for the first ever Inductions Bonanza! This is a free event open to all members looking to become more involved…
NOAC 2018

NOAC 2018

We are now only 10 months away from NOAC 2018! This is a huge event that you will not want to miss! It usually only occurs once every…
Chiefly Speaking

Chiefly Speaking

Greetings Brother, Founder of the Order of the Arrow, E. Urner Goodman, once said that "Things of the spirit are what count: brotherhood – in…
Get Involved! | 2017 Talent Search

Get Involved! | 2017 Talent Search

White Wolf Fever is spreading far and wide to all members of Pennacook Lodge, have you caught it yet? This fever causes Arrowmen to want to become more involved in Pennacook Lodge, and with the countless opportunities that Pennacook has available, we wanted to let you know that you can catch it too!
2017 Unit Elections Season

2017 Unit Elections Season

Unit Elections are a major part of keeping Pennacook Lodge alive and growing us for the future.  It is our opportunity to bring in new members; the future leaders of the lodge. Get all the details about how you can have an election or help!
Lodge Adviser Transition

Lodge Adviser Transition

Chuck Eaton, Scout Executive & CEO and Supreme Chief Of The Fire is pleased to announce that Bennett A. Sawyer has been selected as the Order of The Arrow Lodge Adviser to Pennacook Lodge.