This is your place to find anything that you need relating to dues payments! Questions? Please contact the Lodge Secretary by emailing: [email protected]. Arrowmen are able to pay their dues by sending a check in the mail or by paying it online.

Current Lodge MembersReturning/Transfer Members
Current due-paying members.Members returning after a period of absence or transferring from another lodge.
Dues FormDues Form
Or, pay your dues online!

Online Form
Updated 1/19/25

All Order of the Arrow lodges utilize the Order of the Arrow LodgeMaster system as their record system. This system is hosted, created, and maintained by the Order of the Arrow at the national level. Most Arrowmen are recorded within the Pennacook Lodge membership records if they were active approximately anytime within the last 10 years. There are no records prior to this with the exception of Vigil honor members. Those records are maintained at the national level.

Transferring to another lodge?

If you are transferring to a different lodge, were not active within the last 10 years, and are not a Vigil honor member then we regrettably cannot assist you with providing your records.

    Contact the Lodge Secretary

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message