Brothers, Happy New Year! Let's make 2019 the greatest year in Penacook Lodge History. We closed out 2018 with several extremely successful events, and hope…
January 1st marks the beginning of a new Unit Elections Season! Unit Elections are one of the most important parts of expanding our Brotherhood. Unit leaders…
Come join Pennacook Lodge at its premier training event for a weekend of fellowship, training, and fun!
Interested in Ceremonies? This article is for you!
Happy 2018! Do you want to remain a member in good standing? Make sure to pay your 2018 Lodge Annual Dues! Dues are $20 and can be paid online or by mail. Forms can be found at
Congratulations to Justin St. Louis who was recently elected as Northeast Region Chief of the Order of the Arrow. Justin served as the Chief of Nanepashemet Lodge 158 and was the first Chief of Pennacook Lodge.
Brothers, The 2018 Pennacook Lodge Annual Family Banquet and Theme Show is approaching quickly! On January 14, 2018 Pennacook Lodge will be gathering at the Boston Burlington…