Day of Cheerful Service
On Sunday, July 11th – Pennacook Lodge will be holding the second Day of Cheerful Service at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation. Arrowmembers will continue the service projects begun already in order to complete them for the camp’s summer programming set to begin July 15th.
July 11th Schedule:
9:00 am – Arrival, Check-in, Work project prep, Trading Post open
10:00am – 12:00pm – Service Projects
12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch, Trading Post open
1:00pm – 4:00pm – Service Projects Conclude, Clean Up
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm – Lodge Barbecue, Trading Post open
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Bonnet Passing, The Inauguration of the New Lodge Chief and Officers for 2021-22
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Trading Post open, Event concludes
There will be no overnight camping, outdoors or in cabins, and all participants are asked to bring their own lunch and water bottle. Individually wrapped snacks and fresh fruit and bottled water will be provided. Each Arrowmember should come prepared with appropriate work clothes and footwear, work gloves, bug spray, and Class A uniform shirt and sash.
There is no charge for attending this event, including the Lodge BBQ, but registration is needed. To register please click the button down below. The Pennacook Trading Post will be open during this event.
All Arrowmembers are Welcome and Encouraged to Support your Lodge’s Day of Cheerful Service and to Congratulate and Celebrate the Inauguration of our New Lodge Chief and Officers!
Bonnet Passing & Inaugueation of New Officers

At the Lodge’s Annual Business Meeting/5th Anniversary Celebration held on June 20th at New England Base Camp, the new Lodge Officer Team was elected for the term 2021-2022. These new lodge leaders will officially take office at the Annual Passing of the Bonnet Ceremony and Officer Inauguration to be held on Sunday, July 11th at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation.
The Bonnet Passing will occur after the Day of Cheerful Service and Barbecue beginning at 6:00pm in the Clayton Lane Stockade
Congratulations to Thomas Burns on his election as Lodge Chief, Delia Hanna on her election as Vice Chief, Patrick Burns as Lodge Secretary, and David Penney as Lodge Treasurer.
All lodge and family members and friends are invited to attend and join in wishing success, progress, and inspiration to these new youth leaders of our Lodge and Council.
Former Lodge Chiefs of Pennacook Lodge, of any Pennacook legacy lodges, or of any OA lodge are invited to participate in the ceremony itself. Please join us for the Day of Cheerful Service, the Lodge BBQ and/or arrive at the Clayton Lane Stockade by 5:45 pm
There is no charge for attending this event, including the Lodge BBQ, but registration is needed. To register please click the button down below. The Pennacook Trading Post will be open during this event.