Important Notice: Service Day on August 22nd as been moved to August 29th.
Saturday, August 29th – Pennacook Lodge will be holding another Summer Day of Cheerful Service at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation, Northwood NH. Arrowmen will be leading and participating in service projects that will be beneficial for all individuals who come to Wah-Tut-Ca. Works projects will include controlled demolition of many existing campsite latrines to prepare for the installation of new facilities.
The August 29th Day of Cheerful Service will take place between 9 am – 5 pm and the schedule will be as follows:
9:00 am – Arrival, Check-in, Work project prep
10:00am – 12:00pm – Service Projects
12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm – 5:00pm – Service Projects
Upon arrival at camp, all Arrowmen will sign-in with the health & safety officer, affirm he/she does not have symptoms of the coronavirus, and is fit to perform a day of physical work. Lodge members will be following all COVID-19 Safety Protocols including small workgroups, social distancing, and the wearing of face masks. BSA activity permission slips will be required for all Arrowmen with those under 18 require a parent signature and those over 18 being able to sign themselves into camp. These slips will be available upon arrival at camp.
There will be no overnight camping, outdoors, or in cabins, and all participants are asked to bring their own lunch and water bottle. Individually wrapped snacks and bottled water will be provided. Each Arrowmen should come prepared with a personal face mask, appropriate work clothes and footwear, work gloves, bug spray, and sunscreen.
A Special Gift of Appreciation for Service
A Pennacook Lodge exclusive Summer of Cheerful Service T-shirt will be given to all Arrowmen who attend and participate in at least three of the five summer project days. This exclusive t-shirt can not be brought; only earned.
The Spirit of Adventure Council’s safety guidelines and protocols for Scouting activities during the pandemic are available by visiting the Council website at
Please join your Brothers on a Day of Cheerful Service and get a chance to spend some valuable time in camp doing good work.

Arrow of Light Weekend 2020- September 18-20th
The Arrow of Light Weekend is a fun-filled event for Arrow of Light Cub Scouts to work on skills, team building, and some adventure requirements. Most importantly it is an event that gives Arrow of Light Scouts a small taste of a Northern Nexus Summer Camp experience! One of the three core pillars of the Order of the Arrow is Service. It is our duty as a lodge to serve our council and it’s members and this is one of the largest ways we do this each year. Although at the time, many Cub Scouts do not realize, this is usually their first interaction with the Order of the Arrow. This is your chance to have an impact on the youth of Scouting. To provide the same opportunity that was likely provided to you, back when you were a Cub Scout.
All Arrowmen are invited, though camp is being run at a limited capacity, so register ASAP to secure your spot! Click here to register today

From October 2-4 Pennacook Lodge will be holding an Ordeal Weekend at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation. In order for the candidates to have an inspiring and meaningful experience, there must be Arrowmen present willing to help ensure the success of the weekend. As a staff member, you also have the opportunity to work on projects that will help future campers at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation that Ultimately leaves an impact on them.
All Arrowmen are welcome to attend but there is a limited capacity, so please keep your eye out for when registration opens!