Next Thursday, July 9th – Pennacook Lodge will be holding the first Summer Day of Service at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation. Even though WTCSR is closed to scout camping this summer, there is still much to be done to preserve and improve camp. Arrowmen will be leading and participating in service projects that will have a lasting impact on camp and the experience of campers in the future. Work projects will include facility repair, carpentry, painting, conservation projects, program area upgrades, and other site work, such as final Shanawanda work and help with the brand new Manchester Family cabin at Hawk’s Point.
The July 9th Day of Service will take place between 8 am – 4 pm and the schedule will be as follows:
9:00am – 12:00pm – Service Projects
12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm – 4:00pm – Service Projects
5:00pm – 6:00pm – Bonnet Passing
Upon arrival at camp, all Arrowmen will sign-in with the health & safety officer, affirm he/she does not have symptoms of the coronavirus and is fit to perform a day of physical work. Lodge members will be following all COVID-19 Safety Protocols including small workgroups, social distancing, and the wearing of face masks. BSA activity permission slips will be required for all Arrowmen with those under 18 require a parent signature and those over 18 being able to sign themselves into camp. These slips will be available upon arrival at camp.
There will be no overnight camping, outdoors, or in cabins, and all participants are asked to bring their own lunch and water bottle. Individually wrapped snacks and fresh fruit and bottled water will be provided. Each Arrowmen should come prepared with a personal face mask, appropriate work clothes and footwear, work gloves, bug spray, and Class A uniform shirt and sash.
The Spirit of Adventure Council’s safety guidelines and protocols for Scouting activities during the pandemic are available by visiting the Council website at

Bonnet Passing Information
At the Lodge’s Annual Meeting held via Zoom on June 21, the new Lodge Officer Team was elected for the term 2020-21. These new lodge leaders will officially take office at the Annual Passing of the Bonnet Ceremony to be held on Thursday, July 9 at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation at approximately 5 pm, immediately following the Day of Cheerful Service.
Congratulations to Connor Zawadzki on his reelection as Lodge Chief! And to Tom Burns on his election as Vice Chief, Zach Taylor as Lodge Secretary and Seamus Pilette as Lodge Treasurer.
All lodge and family members and friends are invited to attend and join in wishing success, progress and inspiration to these new leaders of our Lodge and Council.
Former Lodge Chiefs of any of Pennacook’s legacy lodges or of any OA lodge are invited to participate in the ceremony itself. Please join us for the Day of Cheerful Service and/or arrive at the Clayton Lane Stockade by 4:51pm.
Other Upcoming Summer Events!
We will also be holding a few other Summer Days of Cheerful Service on the following days at New England Base Camp in Milton, the new Camp Nihan in Saugus, and back at Wah-Tut-Ca. Exact dates with locations are noted below but are subject to change based on various concerns such as pandemic shifts, safety concerns, weather, and program logistics. Please save these dates as ones for upcoming work projects.
Mark your calendar and plan to join your friends and brothers in cheerful service.
Thursday, July 9 at Wah-Tut-Ca
Saturday, July 18 at Wah-Tut-Ca
Saturday, August 1 at Wah-Tut-Ca
Thursday, August 6 at Camp Nihan
Saturday, August 15 at New England Base Camp