
The Cub Scout crossover and Blue and Gold ceremonies season has commenced! Pennacook Lodge has been asked to perform in a number of these ceremonies and we need your help to make it happen. Arrowmen are asked to volunteer to present a brief ceremony with other Arrowmen at a Cub Scout Arrow of Light crossover ceremony. The ceremony is geared to inspire the Cub Scouts to continue their scouting careers into Boy Scouts. Your participation would provide you an opportunity to inspire the Arrowmen of the future.


The quality of the Cub Scout experience directly impacts the future of our lodge, our camps and our Council. Scouting’s membership has declined significantly in the last 5 years. If the membership trend continues, Scouting will become a smaller program with less impact on America’s youth. Pennacook Lodge sees the need and is planning to meet the challenge; join the team today by contacting the Cub Program Block here!