

Unit Elections are a major part of keeping Pennacook Lodge alive and growing us for the future.  It is our opportunity to bring in new members; the future leaders of the lodge. This year, Pennacook Lodge’s Unit Election season has started and will continue until April 1st. Until then, Arrowmen from all over the Spirit of Adventure Council will visit Boy Scout troops or Varsity Teams conduct Unit Elections on behalf of the lodge. Unit elections are composed of multiple parts including; scheduling a date, visiting the troop/team, conducting the election, and submitting the results. During the election, Arrowmen meet with the unit members to discuss the history and purpose of the OA and their experiences in the organization in an effort to inspire all to want to become part of the Order.

As a Unit Leader or OA Unit Representative, you can schedule a unit election by visiting OAPennacook.org/ElectionRequest and filling out the Unit Election Request Form. After you submit the form, the unit election team will process your request and then contact you to confirm an election date and time.

Unit elections is a huge operation; and you can help to make it happen! You must first get trained at a Unit Elections training, and then you can assist in running unit elections at a local troop or team. Look out for a training session in the fall to get trained for next year’s unit elections season! The unit elections are the first impression units get of the Order of the Arrow, and are one of the most important parts of inductions.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions regarding unit elections, please contact the Unit Elections team at [email protected].