Want to get involved in Pennacook Lodge but don’t know how? Do you have other commitments that might get in the way of you getting involved? No problem! Pennacook Lodge offers endless opportunities for Arrowmen just like you, no matter your interest or availability; and we need your help! Whether you like to light fires, perform in ceremonies, design graphics, or want to learn how to plan events or balance finances; Pennacook Lodge has something for you. If you can think of it, there is a role for it! If you don’t know what you want to do yet, come to one of our many upcoming events like the Lodge Fellowship or Ordeal Weekends! Various roles require more of a time commitment than others, so there is always something to do, whether you can give a weekend or just a few hours hours a month. Click HERE to learn more about them and get involved in Pennacook Lodge!
Last updated on December 18, 2017
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